Shorebird Disturbance Reduction Toolkit

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Convenience is the act of increasing motivation to engage in a behavior by making the desired behavior easy and more appealing. Behaviors can be made more convenient by removing external barriers or by creating structural changes to the surrounding environment. Convenience can vary based on peoples’ perceptions, so strategies that are based on convenience need to be uniquely crafted based on individual situations. Keep in mind that convenience strategies can be labor-intensive (like building a footpath) and costly (like supplying leashes), but can be adapted based on your resources and capabilities

Guidelines for Using Convenience as a Strategy:

Why is Convenience a Good Strategy to Use at My Site?

Your campaign will likely be unsuccessful if the behavior you are trying to promote is inconvenient, time-consuming, or unpleasant. Convenience can help change peoples’ perceptions or increase familiarity with the desired behavior if the actions they should take are visible and clearly defined. 

This is a great strategy to use because it is adaptable, implemented with a wide range of resources and capabilities, and increase the likelihood of the behavior being adopted.

Convenience is an important strategy to consider because people will not adopt behaviors that seem time-consuming and troublesome. 

Convenience in Action

Finding a Dog-Friendly Site Near You

Implementers at Lido Beach designed a campaign to reinforce the beach rule that dogs are not allowed on the site. To do this, they encouraged people to take their pets to alternative dog-friendly locations by combining prompt and convenience behavior change strategies. By placing these signs at beach entrances, visitors were reminded that their dogs were not allowed at this site, but could conveniently scan the QR code in the bottom right of the sign to find nearby beaches to take their dogs. In this case, visitors were provided with information that makes it easy for them to identify and visit dog-friendly areas the next time they go out.    

Time Your Visit With the Tide

Implementers in Connecticut designed a campaign to encourage people to visit the beach at low tide to accommodate the narrow space between the waterline and the nesting area. When visitors come to the beach at high tide, it is nearly impossible to give birds space, but understanding the tide schedule can be inconvenient. Upon arrival to the beach, staff provided visitors with their own tide tables while communicating about the importance of giving birds space. This makes it easy for people to understand when the right time to go to the beach is for their next visit.

Existing Resources for Implementing the Convenience Strategy

Additional Resources

Click here to access the AFSI Outreach Material Searchable Database. The materials here are available for downloading, sharing, and most may be modified for your own use. If you have material you would like to share with the broader shorebird community, please submit your material for approval.